Month: May 2017

Liturgy and the Divine Atrium

by David Fleischacker The Liturgy as the Divine Atrium Maria Montessori learned much about the nature of education from the liturgy of the Church. Saint John Paul II called the liturgy a school of life and salvation. For Catholics, we can have a deep and abiding trust in this reality because the liturgy itself is […]

The Development of True Values

By Phyllis Wallbank [Transcript from part of a piece delivered in 1999] The development of true values Up to the age of five, the young child is absorbing his whole environment and in a good environment, he gets to know love. Everyone has to feel love to be able to give love and so this […]

On Education

by Phyllis Wallbank, MBE [the following text was a draft of notes used for a series of workshops that Phyllis delivered in 1999.  The workshops provided educators with a number of tips about education rooted in Phyllis’ long work and reflection upon education.  There are a number of golden nuggets in this piece.] How does one […]

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