by David Fleischacker Light in the physical world is the closest analogy to the human mind that is found. Aristotle recognized that sight is the most liberated of the senses and the sense that is closest to the nature of the human mind, especially what he called the Agent Intellect which translated what Plato called […]
Category: Sensorial Materials
The Importance of Motor-Sensory Refinement
by David Fleischacker, Ph.D. As one scans the animal world, one notices that in moving from more primitive animals to higher animals, there is an increase in the freedom gained to operate in this world. That freedom is not merely in a single individual of the species but rather found in the species. Every individual […]
Why Montessori Sensorial Materials Work: The Light of Understanding
by Dr. David Fleischacker During the first 6 years of life, Maria Montessori discovered that the inner being of the child is being formed, literally. Brain research has demonstrated this as well. Just before birth, the child undergoes massive synaptic growth in the brain that sets the child up for absorbing his or her familial […]