Category: The Mystery of the Child

The Invitation to the Soul

Intrinsic to the very essence of each child is an invitation that comes from the universe.  It is an invitation that was first planted in the fabric of everything that exists by the sower.  That invitation is to become true and good. This is a fact.  And it is at the heart of any authentic […]

Light and Darkness

by David Fleischacker Light in the physical world is the closest analogy to the human mind that is found.  Aristotle recognized that sight is the most liberated of the senses and the sense that is closest to the nature of the human mind, especially what he called the Agent Intellect which translated what Plato called […]

Smell and Affectivity in Children

by David Fleischacker One area that would be good to expand in a four-dimensional living classroom (which is the general character of a Montessori classroom) is the opportunities for children to learn about themselves and each other in terms of smell and affectivity.1   Smell is profoundly linked to affectivity.  It naturally generates feelings at […]

Liturgy and the Divine Atrium

by David Fleischacker The Liturgy as the Divine Atrium Maria Montessori learned much about the nature of education from the liturgy of the Church. Saint John Paul II called the liturgy a school of life and salvation. For Catholics, we can have a deep and abiding trust in this reality because the liturgy itself is […]

The Deep Mystery of the Child: Part 1

by Dr. David Fleischacker The deep mystery of the child is the same as the heart or the essence of every human soul.  Most of the time we think of a mystery as an unknown. There is something true here.  The child is not really known yet to the world.  And the child is not known […]

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